Everyone is invited
to spend time with others
at our Wednesday event
in Shire House Suite.
We’re open weekly from
10am to 1pm.

A warm welcome is extended to everyone to come and join us at Time Together friendship group.
Morning coffee and tea with cake are available as well as lunches.
There's always a variety of activities taking place.
Meet up with friends old and new for a chat, enjoy a game of bingo, bring your own craft project, have a go at fun quizzes or maybe you will win a prize in our raffle.
Regularly, local organisations and community groups come along to give a short talk or play live music.
Geraldine, our Parish Nurse, will be there fortnightly to offer help and support.
For updates, please contact office@bodminway.org, 01208 809601 and facebook.com/BodminWay.
Alec Charles, from Truro Diocese, visited
Time Together. His report is here.