Two questions got us off to a great start in the third workshop of the Young Worship Leader (YWL) course:
How can we lead well? What might we need to practice in order to lead well?
We read a fictitious account of a church service to notice what went wrong! Key points for leading well were expressed:
1 Communication is key.
2 Be prepared.
3 Order of proceedings matter.
4 Arrive in plenty of time.
5 Check sound system is on and working.
6 Check hymn numbers with organist.
7 Check layout of chairs in chancel.
8 Speak with the congregation informally before the service.
9 Start on time.
10 Ensure everyone can hear - speak slower than usual, give pauses, be clear, project your voice and annunciation.
11 Check all involved know their role and where they stand.
12 Offer a very warm welcome with a joyful voice.
13 Make actions invitational, for example, "I invite you to stand, if you are able, for our first hymn."
14 Give page number in the order of service after times of not referring to the service sheet.
15 If mistakes are made with a reading, carry on, no need to apologise.
It would be good to be aware if Sunday School is running and if the sidespersons have toy bags with soft items inside for babies and toddlers.
Can and should one person lead everything in a service? We said: “No.” It’s good to involve as many people as possible so they can contribute. We listed those involved in one Sunday service: church cleaners, refreshment providers, bellringers, sidespersons, churchwardens, Sunday School team, music providers, choir, minister, Local Worship Leaders, YWLs, servers, readers, intercessors, those who present items for Communion and those involved, for example, the person who holds the chalice and the linen washers.
Both young people at the training session took the opportunity to practice giving a welcome or reading a prayer. Their was a lovely tone to their voices, which were clear and full of expression. They were encouraged to notice how leaders use their voice in different ways in church, for example, the welcome and notices are different to Bible readings and different again to intercessions. Also to try out speaking into a mic.
There’s no specific robe for YWL. They can’t serve and act as YWL in the same service. They are not to give the talk. However, after completing training in giving a talk and how to write and say intercessory prayers, YWL can do these roles too.
The Commissioning service will take place on Sunday 17 September, 4pm, in St. Petroc’s Church, Bodmin. The Ven Kelly Betteridge (Archdeacon of Bodmin and Director of Intergenerational Church) will lead the non-Eucharistic service. YWLs will be commissioned alongside newly trained Local Worship Leaders, Local Pastoral Ministers and those being recommissioned.
We played Pictionary before the start and during the break.