Community groups, clubs, organisations, charities, and businesses gathered in St Petroc’s Church on Sunday 7 May. The service marked the Coronation of King Charles III and celebrated the good work going on in the town. The mayoral party, including Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Cllrs Pat Rogerson and Jenny Cruse, processed into church to start the service.
During the service representatives from each community group came forward to light a candle. The flames symbolised the positive influence the groups are having on the town of Bodmin.
Three of many groups involved : Guides, KBSK and Walker Lines Gym
Key words of the coronation weekend were emphasised: Community, Service and Faith.
Cllr Jenny Cruse said: “I thought it was an excellent community service and exactly the right thing to do to involve those who work so hard in the community. We very much value their efforts and know how much their hard work is benefitting the community.”
Mayor, Lady Mayoress and Deputy Mayor, Lady Mayoress and Cllr Pat Rogerson
Bodmin’s Mayor, Cllr Phil Cooper, said: “What a great service. It was an honour and a privilege to be able to support and attend. It was fantastic to have so many community groups involved and to hear the positive feedback of attendees.”
Posters expressing the work of the organisations have been collated into a folder and will be kept on long-term display in church. A digital version can be accessed at the foot of this page. Both provide a lasting snapshot of some of the good work going on in Bodmin at the time of the coronation.
In the afternoon, the community celebrations continued at the church’s Coronation Cream Tea, in collaboration with Bodmin’s Inner Wheel.
The church bells played their part in Bodmin's celebration weekend, on the day of the coronation itself, in their "Ring for the King".
Community groups represented at the Civic Service in church on Sunday 7th May 2023
Age Concern
Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club
Bell Ringers (St Petroc’s Tower)
Bluetits (Bodmin Tidy it Team)
Bodmin Community Bingo
Bodmin Way
Christmas Lights Committee
Community Choir
Community Circle
Community Space
Home Based Support and Maintenance
Horizon Club (Bodmin & District)
Inner Wheel (Club of Bodmin)
KBSK (Dance and Youth Events)
Keep Bodmin’s Army Museum
Lions (Club of Bodmin)
Marathon (Beacon Beast Marathon – The Bodmin Way)
Methodist Church
Mothers’ Union
Museum (Bodmin Town)
Parish Nurse (Bodmin Way)
Priory Toddler Group
Proper Cornish
Railway (Bodmin)
Royal British Legion
SPY Network
St Mary’s Catholic Church
St Petroc’s Church
St Petroc’s Primary School
St Petroc’s Sunday School
Time Together (Friendship Group)
Veterans Walking Group
Walker Lines Gymnasium & Boxing Club (Trust)